cats4life ▲ Aug 01, 2024

Drummer boy qaurters

I Found 2 e pluribus unum (One for all) I dont know if there are amy errors on it, But can You check for errors anyone? Most likely No errors.

Drummer boy qaurters
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cats4life ▲ Aug 06, 2024


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phillyspeed ▲ Aug 06, 2024

E pluribus unum is Latin and literally translated as “out of many, one.” I have several books filled with bicentennial quarters I’ve pulled from circulation through the years..two books of Philadelphia mint coins and one book of Denver mint coins. As a child every time I lost a tooth the tooth fairy would leave one for me which actually started my coin collecting at age 6 when they were brand new. Fun coins that will always find my attention and reach my books when found! I see no errors in the coins you have pictured btw. As Eric stated, there aren’t any known errors from my understanding as well.

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ericjmorgan78 ▲ Aug 02, 2024

There are no known significant errors on 1976 quarters without a mint mark (Philadelphia Mint). If the second has a D mint mark behind the ribbon in Washington’s braid you can look at the LIBERTY at the top of the obverse for doubling. You should see splits in the serifs of the lettering. Just as a note… 1976 Washington Quarters were minted in 1975 AND 1976 which is why you will never find a Washington Quarter with a date of 1975.

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